OPD -- AIM No Poverty No Hunger Good Health Quality Education Gender Equality Peace & Justice


Organization for Peace and Development (OPD)

Organization for Peace and Development (OPD) was founded on 2021 by group of Women activists, who came together to improve and up grading Afghan community in the country

realized the necessity of establishment means of contributing to their community needs in respond to a country wise formation of voluntary institution by various community group most of them were Women group

Organization for Peace and Development (OPD)


Our Vision

OPD envisions a "poverty-free, empowered & democratic society in Afghanistan; which is guided by the values of equity, accountability, inclusion and respect”.

Our Mission

OPD Mission is to “work for the development & empowerment of socio-economically disadvantaged & vulnerable people specially women in Afghanistan and assist them in addressing their poverty-linked issues”.

Our Goal

Our goal is to deliver high impact, cost effective, & culturally competent capacity building programs to Afghan people in particular to youth.

Organization for Peace and Development (OPD)


Specific Objectives

  • To raise awareness, understanding and knowledge on HIV/AID and other STD’s to the
  • Afghan people in general.
  • To provide a basic education, vocational education and trainings for the disadvantage adolescents (orphanages) and youth in order to make them literate and empowered.
  • To eliminate gender inequalities in primary and secondary education by achieving equality in education, with ensuring girl’s full and equal access to basic education of good quality.
  • To improve the environmental condition for nomads and rural people.
  • To make a campaigns of tree plantation and collection of plastics


Organizational type


  • Non-governmental
  • Non-partisan
  • Non-religious
  • Non-racial
  • Nonprofit making
  • Non political
  • Social and civil society organization


Non-formal education

The aim of this department is to take part education development in our country and also educate both women and men those did not get a chance for formal education.

Health department

This activity involves in the improvement of sanitation and HIV/AIDS awareness through resources mobilization, advocacy for positive social change and rural development.

Environment department

Recently the environment of the world is in danger and there is what called Air-pollution, cutting trees and social erosions.

Organizational values

OPD organization is committed to

  • Working with efficiency and long-term sustainability
  • Valuing the principle of social justice, and empowerment of Somaliland youth, women, and child
  • Solving youth conflicts and building peace and deep true ship among Somaliland youth.

Believe in the power of committed youth individuals and organization who want to contribute to a sustainable development.

A) Accountably and Transparency

B) Human rights

C) Responsibility

D) Confidentiality

E) Respect for others

F) Commitment and trust ship

G) Networking

H) Performance and team working

I) Peace culture and pluralism

J) Serving the people in equal approach in line with our Organizational slogans.

K) Mutual respect and partnership with the development humanitarian actors include human rights and media groups (Agencies).

OPD Governance-- OPD has defined structure including General Assembly, Board of Directors and Executive Committee

  • The structure determines chain of command and hierarchy of responsibility within OPD.
  • The general assembly is the highest decision making organ approving policies and reviewing achievement and plans.
  • The Board of directors (B.O.D.) is the planning and policy making body of the organization which controlling and approving the all activities by the Executive Committee.
  • The Executive Director is the head of executive committee that is responsible for the implementation of the programs and daily management activities.

We Provide Our Professional Services

OPD have professional and qualified Employees in different sectors by providing professional  services to our clients.

We have the honor to be as our partners some of the biggest projects to create solids and trusted relations.


Frequently asked questions

Organization for Peace and Development  (OPD) was founded on 2021 by group of Women activists, who came together to improve and up grading Afghan community in the country  realized the necessity of establishment means of contributing to their community needs in respond to a country wise formation of voluntary institution by various community group most of them were Women group.

Address: Kunar Asadabad Mandakool road, Afghanistan.

Contact person: Razia Ikram (Executive Director)


Tel: 0700654040
